Several aggressive verbal assaults on black men and women in the Adirondack Park have recently raised alarm bells. Today we will discuss what happened, and how one environmental group is stepping into the fray. Earthjustice staff attorney Moneen Nasmith and Wes Gillingham, co-founder and Program Director of Catskill Mountainkeeper explain what the US Supreme Court’s decision not to hear a case brought by the Constitution Pipeline means for New York State. And the frequently-ridiculed Joint Committee on Public Ethics or JCOPE has released new lobbying regulations that good government groups aren’t criticizing, which is unusual. NYPIRG’s Blair Horner gave the regs a once-over and will share his analysis with us. Guests: John Sheehan, Director of Communications at the Adirondack Council Aaron Mair, former President of the Sierra Club and Program Research Specialist at the Department of Health Dr. Donathan Brown, an expert on race and public policy, founder of Adirondack […]