Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner joined Susan to explain a union attack ad against her for not harshly criticizing Sen. John DeFrancisco for his minimum wage position. She’ll also discuss her decision to raise Syracuse city workers’ minimum wage to $15/hr. and her take on the developing budget. Two Utica businessmen discussed their and other community members’ opposition to building a hospital in downtown Utica, which has received funding allocations in both the Senate and Assembly one-house budget resolutions. Brett Truett, president and founder of SoftNoze-a sensor and switch bracket company-and Jim Brock, President of Jim Brock Agency of Utica Inc., argue the process to build a new hospital has not been transparent or democratic. We heard from economist Dr. Michael Reich, a Professor at UC Berkeley and Chair of the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics at UC Berkeley’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE), about a recent […]