Ursula Rozum, a staff organizer for the Syracuse Peace Council, spoke with Susan about today’s cross-community protest in Syracuse of a conference being presented at Turning Stone Casino by the New York Tactical Officers Association. The groups are angry about anti-Islamic statements made by the conference’s keynote speaker as well as the ongoing militarization of police agencies. Is the opt out movement #OptOutSoWhite? 3 opt-out advocates answered questions about race and testing: Johanna Garcia, an opt-out parent leader from Upper Manhattan, Bianca Tanis, a member of the New York State Allies for Public Education Steering Committee, and Jasmine Gripper, AQE’s Legislative Director and Statewide Education Advocate. Why did Donald Trump do so well in Long Island suburbs compared to other moderate suburban areas around the country? Our favorite suburbs expert Larry Levy had analysis. Larry is the Executive Dean at the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University.