Ashley Hupfl shares this week’s City & State’s Winners and Losers. We will speak with Daily News’ Reporter Glenn Blain about the news of the week. Two members of the Healthy Schools Network—Claire Barnett, the executive director, and Jeff Jones, the NYS policy adviser–discuss growing concerns over lead in school drinking water. Seth M. Siegel, the NY Times best-selling author of Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World, previews the Capital Region – Israel Water Summit, which will be held on May 25 at the Radisson Hotel on Wolf Road, Colonie. Now that the DEC has denied the water-quality permit for the Constitution Pipeline, environmental groups are renewing a push for the state to reject other fossil fuel infrastructure projects. We will speak with Conor Bambrick, the Environmental Advocates of New York’s Air and Energy Program Director, about the initiatives.
May 20, 2016: Ashley Hupfl, Glenn Blain, Claire Barnett and Jeff Jones, Seth Siegel, Conor Bambrick