Today Susan Arbetter spoke with State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia about whether testing will change or pivot over the next two years. A lot depends on what happens under the new presidential administration. Investigative Post reporting by Charlotte Keith found LPCiminelli, a company already under fire for how it won the SolarCity contract, benefited from a second Buffalo Billion deal. Jim Heaney, founder, editor and executive director of Investigative Post, joined Susan to explain how Ciminelli’s state contract to build space for Albany Molecular Research Inc., had striking parallels to the SolarCity deal. A coalition of government watchdogs are calling on the governor to reduce the potential for conflicts of interest by putting laws in place that curb “pay to play.” John Kaehny, executive director of Reinvent Albany, and Ron Deutsch, executive director of the Fiscal Policy Institute, provided details. Finally, we heard from Dr. Kyle Kingsley, the CEO of […]