Today, Ashley Hupfl shared this week’s City & State Winners and Losers. Jimmy Vielkind, the Albany Bureau Chief for Politico New York, argued that despite bickering, Gov. Cuomo’s proposals avoid legislative clashes. A new law in New York creates an appeals process for doctors who believe their patients are harmed by step therapy. Step therapy is where lower cost and lower risk medications are used first in the prescription drug coverage process. Proponents of step therapy say it keeps costs and risks down for all parties involved. Opponents say it is a “fail-first” medication process. Today we heard both sides of the step therapy arguments—first, from Paul Macielak, the President and CEO of the New York Health Plan Association; then from Kathleen Arntsen, President and CEO at the Lupus and Allied Diseases Association, Inc., and Steve Marmaras, the Director of State and National Advocacy at the Global Healthy Living Foundation. And finally, we discussed the results […]